Now Viewing: New Haven

Nearly Forgotten: Re-discovering a New Haven Activist, Engineer, and Entrepreneur
How can someone who was so important to a community in their own time be known by so few people today?
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How Innovation Shaped Connecticut’s History
How did technology-based industries influence Connecticut’s history and contribute to America’s story?
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Amos Beman: Freeman, Freedom Fighter, and Agent of Change
How do people become agents of change within systems of oppression?
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William Lanson: New Haven Entrepreneur, Abolitionist, and Black Governor
In a land of opportunity, how have the successes of African Americans, Indigenous, Latinx, and other People of Color challenged the status quo?
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The Triumph and Tragedy of Urban Renewal
Who decides what infrastructure is good for people?
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Getting Around Connecticut
How have changes in technology affected local communities over the past 140 years?
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LGBTQ+ History in Connecticut: Colonial Era Laws and Legislation
How did colonial laws marginalize LGBTQ+ individuals?
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Religious Freedom for Jews in Connecticut
How did Jewish immigrants expand religious freedom in Connecticut?
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Geographies of Food: The Roles of Migration, Landscape, and Food Availability in the United States
How have geography and history shaped regional differences in foods in the United States?
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Asian American History in the Civil War Era: Connecticut’s Connection to the Trade in Indentured Chinese Workers
How have American conceptions of freedom and equality changed throughout U.S. history for members of various racial, ethnic, religious, and gender minority groups?
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William Grimes – Seeking Freedom in Connecticut
How can we find out about people and places in the past?
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The Chinese Educational Mission and How Asian American Stories Reframe American History
How did participating in the Chinese Educational Mission influence both its students and America?
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The Black Panthers and the May Day Rally in New Haven
How is the First Amendment used to advocate for justice in America?
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Connecticut’s Ratification of the Constitution
How are decisions made about how a nation should be governed?
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Connecticut Heroes of World War I
What is the significance of Connecticut’s contribution to America’s story?
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The Amistad Incident and the Face of Slavery
What role did the Amistad incident play in the abolitionist movement in the United States?
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Exploring Communities: Using Historic Maps to Learn about the Past
Why do our communities look the way they do today?
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