Now Viewing: Grade 3
From the Connecticut Social Studies Frameworks: In third grade, students will engage in a yearlong study of Connecticut and local towns. They will analyze the impact of geography, economics, and government structures to study the history and contemporary society of Connecticut and local towns. The study of Connecticut requires that students generate and research compelling questions across four core disciplines. Such questions may include:
- How has our local community contributed to Connecticut’s story, past and present?
- In what ways has our towns and Connecticut changed and/or stayed the same over time?
- Why is our town, and our state, the way it is?
- Is there a Connecticut state identity?
- What was the significance of Connecticut’s contribution to America’s story?
See our list of 10 Things Every 3rd Grade Should Know About Connecticut History.

Bricks, Beams, and Beginnings: Uncovering the Stories of Colchester through its Buildings
How do the buildings in our community tell the story of who we are and where we come from?
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Becoming a Connecticut Lawmaker: Role-Playing the Legislative Process
How do we make laws that are fair?
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Snapshot Clues: From the Past to the Present
In what ways has your town changed and/or stayed the same over time?
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How Innovation Shaped Connecticut’s History
How did technology-based industries influence Connecticut’s history and contribute to America’s story?
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Barbara McClintock, Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist
How can one person’s determination make a difference in our community, state, and world?
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Getting Around Connecticut
How have changes in technology affected local communities over the past 140 years?
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No to Nazis in Connecticut: Resolving Conflict Through Informed Action
In what ways can a community in a democracy respond when faced with injustice?
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Making a Difference: Individuals in Connecticut History
What is the significance of Connecticut’s contribution to America’s story?
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Government is People: Creating a Symposium of Local Government Speakers
How does the government touch my life?
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Empowering Students’ “Civic Voices” in Local and State Government: Elementary
Why is it important that students use their “civic voices” in local and state government to produce positive change?
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Indigenous Communities of Connecticut
Where did Native/Indigenous communities live in the past and where do they live in Connecticut today?
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Investigating Art: New London Through the Lens of a Painting
In what ways have Connecticut towns and cities changed and/or stayed the same over time?
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William Grimes – Seeking Freedom in Connecticut
How can we find out about people and places in the past?
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The First Puerto Rican Day Parade in Hartford
Why is it important that groups can celebrate their cultural and ethnic backgrounds in America?
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Connecticut Heroes of World War I
What is the significance of Connecticut’s contribution to America’s story?
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Kids in Connecticut History: Image Analysis Skill-Builder
In what ways have the lives of children in Connecticut changed or stayed the same over time?
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Exploring Communities: Using Historic Maps to Learn about the Past
Why do our communities look the way they do today?
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Connecticut Whaling and Maritime History
How have Connecticut’s maritime products and industries contributed to the history of America?
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Economic Development: Saugatuck’s Development Over Time
In what ways has one town—and Connecticut—changed and/or stayed the same over time?
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Kids at Sea in the 19th Century
How did maritime culture influence the people of Connecticut?
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Hartford: Then and Now
In what ways has Hartford, Connecticut, changed and/or stayed the same over time?
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