Now Viewing: Grade 4
From the Connecticut Social Studies Frameworks: In Grade 4 students engage in the study of United States Geography as it relates to the regional cultural, economic, and political development of the United States. This approach supports in-depth inquiry through the examination and evaluation of multiple sources and allows students to explore regions of the United States supported by the disciplines of history, civics, and economics. The study of geography requires that students generate and research compelling questions such as:
- How does where we live affect how we live?
- How and why do places change over time?
- What characteristics make groups of people unique?
- What role does climate play in people’s lives?
- Why do people move from one region to another?

Nearly Forgotten: Re-discovering a New Haven Activist, Engineer, and Entrepreneur
How can someone who was so important to a community in their own time be known by so few people today?
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Indigenous Communities of Connecticut
Where did Native/Indigenous communities live in the past and where do they live in Connecticut today?
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The First Puerto Rican Day Parade in Hartford
Why is it important that groups can celebrate their cultural and ethnic backgrounds in America?
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Mapping the New World: Dutch Maps of the Colonies
How did the physical geography of New England affect how the colonies developed?
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Exploring Communities: Using Historic Maps to Learn about the Past
Why do our communities look the way they do today?
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