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Dr. Jewel Plummer Cobb: A Role Model in STEM and Higher Education
To what extent is it easier for women and people of color to enter the fields of STEM and higher education today than it was in the 1950s–1990s?
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Paving the “Way”: Connecticut Women Artists in the Early Republic
In what ways were women’s professional options linked to their educational opportunities in the late 18th and early 19th centuries?
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Asian American History in the Civil War Era: Connecticut’s Connection to the Trade in Indentured Chinese Workers
How have American conceptions of freedom and equality changed throughout U.S. history for members of various racial, ethnic, religious, and gender minority groups?
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Visions of Change: Colt and the Growth of Industrial Connecticut
What impact did industrialization have on people’s lives in the mid- to late-19th century?
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Life Along the Salmon Brook: A Connecticut Town in the Early Industrial Era
How did the Industrial Revolution change small towns in Connecticut/New England?
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Joining the War Effort, One Peach Pit at a Time
How does an entire society participate in war?
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“Making Munitions is a Woman’s Job” During World War I
What impact did the women of Connecticut have on the Great War (WWI)?
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Free Speech and Seditious Speech on the CT World War I Home Front
Does free speech exist in a time of war?
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The Civilian Conservation Corps in Connecticut
How did the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) impact Connecticut?
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Connecticut Whaling and Maritime History
How have Connecticut’s maritime products and industries contributed to the history of America?
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