Now Viewing: Cultural Diversity and Connecticut State Identity

Cape Verdean Life and Influence in Connecticut
To what extent was the Cape Verdean immigrant experience typical or atypical within United States history?
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No to Nazis in Connecticut: Resolving Conflict Through Informed Action
In what ways can a community in a democracy respond when faced with injustice?
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Trade between the Tunxis and the English in the 1700s
In what ways were the English and Indigenous peoples in Connecticut economically interconnected in the mid-1700s?
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Making a Difference: Individuals in Connecticut History
What is the significance of Connecticut’s contribution to America’s story?
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Indigenous Communities of Connecticut
Where did Native/Indigenous communities live in the past and where do they live in Connecticut today?
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Post-World War II Puerto Rican Farm Labor Migration to Connecticut
How did Connecticut industries influence migration and immigration to the state and the development of new communities?
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The First Puerto Rican Day Parade in Hartford
Why is it important that groups can celebrate their cultural and ethnic backgrounds in America?
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